Once again the glorious colour display of autumn can be seen in the Perthshire hills, as the the cold nights take their toll on the deciduous trees and the leaves change from green to lime green, yellow brown and red. The varied palate of colour which is displayed changes by the day and the brief period of change before the leaves drop provides some stunning views, particularly near dawn and dusk. A great place to see these changes and relax and walk by loch, river, and wood is around Loch Earn where varied accommodation including hotel, Inn, Guest house and B&B can be found (by clicking) Perthshire accommodation, the community website of the people around Loch Earn. An example of self catering accommodation "Perthshire holiday cottages Scotland" can be found at Killin Highland Lodges.
"New England in the fall" may be a trip too far for some but some excellent scenery to rival that famous area can be seen in the hills of Perthshire in the middle of Scotland. The biochemistry that causes these changes is complex, but a dimished ability of the veins in leaves to carry nutrient to the leaf is a primary cause and often the veins remain green as the tissue between changes colour. But rather than simply drop the leaves the processes allow some nutrients to be saved for the next year's leaf production. Another intriguing discovery is that the pigments in the leaves can stunt the growth of nearby saplings proving a better growing environment for the adult tree. Whatever the science involved, we can simply admire and photograph the constantly changing visual scene and enjoy walking through many of the Perthshire woodlands.
LETI: Member Jim Bradley is the owner of two self catering holiday sites offering weekly holidays in log cabins and lodges in St Fillans and Killin.
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